Digital Marketing and customer loyalty

We currently live in an era where there’s no denying the influence of new technologies and digital media on people’s lives. Directly or indirectly, these technologies are active in our daily lives in many ways. Whether it’s the act of making a simple purchase at the supermarket, withdrawing money at a bank, or even paying bills online; digital media has changed the way we relate to the world, and consumer behavior has kept pace and accompanied this change.

In the above scenarios, sales and marketing techniques have had to adapt to keep pace with these new market requirements. Early on, the main way to advertise a brand or product was through traditional mass media such as radio, magazines and newspapers and later through television. Today we have a new player in the way to effective communicate a sales and marketing message; digital advertising, which effectively promotes a particular product or brand through the internet.

Today the Internet provides many approach channels to reach customers and promote your specific brand. An effective plan or road map is an essential tool, whether you’re a small business or a multinational company. A web channel can be used for different marketing objectives, and still be an intuitive extension of your organization.

It is important to remember that for content marketing strategic function efficiently, it needs to be developed with specific strategies and be quite objective.

People are looking for quality content on the internet. They seek relevant information that they bring real solutions to their needs or disabilities, and that is when your company must present the ideal content for this new e- Consumers model . Then , see how content marketing can retain customers . the customer must have the confidence to make the purchase and content marketing and can be decisive for the customer’s attitude.

While there are many ways to effective use this new medium to advertise and promote your product, service or brand identity, there are only a small number of core techniques that when best utilized are extremely effective at not only attracting visitors to your website, but in converting and keeping them as customers and clients.

Social Networks – These help to disseminate your company’s information, produce relevant content and identify and target paying customers, all while digitally humanizing your brand.

Blogs – These relevant and unique publications are the best way to attract new visitors to your page, while keeping visitors already committed to your product or service. They are an effective tool in generating engagement with users, and work best when they allows readers to ask questions, receive answers, make suggestions and even criticize a company’s performance.

Search Engine Optimization – Compelling SEO results happen when the proper keywords that represent your brand well, or those aligned in synergy with your market or portfolio of services/products is chosen. Search engines generate flow to your page and you need to appear prominently in these searches to be successful. These searches can be further optimized by creating website content and links around phrases that your potential customers and clients are looking for.

Landing Pages – Good landing pages where the visitor ends up after clicking on a particular search result is an extremely positive and important sales/conversion tool. This page needs to be built strategically, so that your website can achieve good business results and/or mine for positive sales lead generation.

Email Marketing – This tool provides your brand with the best opportunity to deliver information directly to a targeted audience. The reading efficiency is very large and the cost is low, and its possible to customize campaigns for each type of customer.

Google Adwords and Facebook ADS – These allow you to create ads on equal footing  with the larger more established  “giants” of the web while simultaneously targeting your ads to a qualified specific audience. While the internet enables a campaign to be available at all times, it also allows for an ad to be suspended or altered in real time. The cost to develop or change an online advertising piece remains low, and cost effective especially when compared to other mediums of advertising.

Interactivity: Digital media is unmatched when it comes to interactivity. No other media can provide an ambient relationship as appropriate between brands and people.

When these tools are used properly and effectively, you can easily increase your digital marketing presence, increase your potential customer reach, while ensuring customer retention.

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Voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Aliquam bibendum lacus quis nulla dignissim faucibus. Sed mauris enim, bibendum at purus aliquet, maximus molestie tortor. Sed faucibus et tellus eu sollicitudin. Sed fringilla malesuada luctus.


  • Martin Moore
    Posted 30 de March de 2017 15:21 0Likes

    We have worked with these guys for several months, and the business plans that we have come up with ae amazing! Thank you!

    • Miki Williams
      Posted 30 de March de 2017 15:23 0Likes

      Thanks for the feedback!

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